Cambridge Hearing Trust

You can make a change in the lives of deaf people by donating today 

How your money helps

We believe in the potential of children and adults with hearing loss. Cambridge Hearing Trust is a small but ambitious charity. Throughout its long history of +30 years, many candidates for cochlear implantation were supported in many different ways often via fundraising campaigns organised by patients and their relatives with the help of the CHT. 


Furthermore, some of the largest projects that were supported through the donations received from our benefactors are the expansion of the cochlear implant program in the Emmeline Centre, the groundbreaking hearing and balance research completed by the SENSE LAB at Cambridge University; the Hear Glue Ear app and the Hear Glue Ear headset that helped many children with glue ear and is revolutionising the glue ear care in Cambridgeshire. 

How to support us 
